Scenery 4k3D Nature 52HDR nature 873Nature closeup 623Night nature 518
2560 x 3840 | 5510.6 Kb
Downloads: 2|7|967
3413 x 5120 | 4903.5 Kb
Downloads: 0|2|1062
2560 x 3838 | 4638.2 Kb
Downloads: 0|1|1285
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Downloads: 0|0|1244
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Downloads: 2|1|2671
4000 x 2667 | 1788 Kb | 1|2|4620
7360 x 4518 | 13319.9 Kb | 0|3|7042
2560 x 1600 | 1218 Kb
Downloads: 1|3|5569
2500 x 1408 | 927.1 Kb | 0|4|3403
2048 x 1385 | 1209.7 Kb | 1|2|2827
2880 x 1920 | 3539.2 Kb | 2|4|4075
4000 x 2409 | 4080.3 Kb
Downloads: 2|2|3620
5184 x 3456 | 6000.9 Kb
Downloads: 1|1|3879
3380 x 2700 | 5795.2 Kb | 0|1|4045
3072 x 2048 | 6434.8 Kb
Downloads: 0|2|5165
5760 x 3840 | 5258.2 Kb | 0|3|4765
3000 x 1846 | 1975.1 Kb | 5|8|5906
3840 x 2400 | 3843.6 Kb
Downloads: 1|3|3796
3000 x 2000 | 4716.5 Kb | 1|3|3562
6000 x 3645 | 12849.7 Kb
Downloads: 0|1|7446
4905 x 2700 | 9479.2 Kb | 1|3|4897
4471 x 3000 | 6235.5 Kb
Downloads: 0|2|4628
4000 x 2500 | 7204.4 Kb | 1|2|6255
3520 x 2000 | 6257.8 Kb | 0|0|4544
4300 x 2607 | 8505.1 Kb
Downloads: 1|1|4494
4892 x 3265 | 19342.2 Kb
Downloads: 0|0|5873
Landscape photography commonly involves daylight photography of natural features of land, sky and waters, at a distance—though some landscapes may involve subjects in a scenic setting nearby, even close-up, and sometimes at night.
Photography of artificial scenery, such as farm fields, orchards, gardens and architecture, may be considered "landscape" photography as well. Even the presence of man-made structures (buildings, roads and bridges, etc.) or art (such as sculpture) may be considered "landscape" if presented in artistic settings or appearing (or photographed) in artistic style. 2017-05-25
See the Wikipedia page for more information.
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