9328 x 6112 | 11653.4 Kb | 1|1|849
8268 x 6100 | 10343.8 Kb | 1|1|2333
7677 x 6177 | 6100.9 Kb | 0|2|1855
8321 x 5600 | 10902 Kb | 0|4|2191
8201 x 5400 | 9145.7 Kb | 4|4|2288
8606 x 4840 | 2322.5 Kb | 2|4|1546
7536 x 5406 | 5930.5 Kb | 4|1|1321
9000 x 4500 | 7787 Kb | 4|3|2363
7600 x 5200 | 12315.8 Kb | 5|5|3954
8043 x 4524 | 2298.5 Kb | 5|3|1672
The most obvious difference between rabbits and hares is how their kits are born. Rabbits are altricial, having young that are born blind and hairless. In contrast, hares are precocial, born with hair and good vision. All rabbits except cottontail rabbits live underground in burrows or warrens, while hares live in simple nests above the ground (as do cottontail rabbits), and usually do not live in groups. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer ears, larger and longer hind legs and have black markings on their fur. Hares have not been domesticated, while European rabbits are both raised for meat and kept as pets.
The only rabbit to be widely domesticated is the European rabbit, which has been extensively bred for food and later as a pet. It was first widely kept in ancient Rome and has been refined into a wide variety of breeds during and since the Middle Ages. 2017-09-19
See the Wikipedia page for more information.
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